Environmental Justice means protecting Indigenous ways of life, supporting food sovereignty, and supporting all communities right to healthy water, lands, air, and future generations. Our Environmental Justice program supports local community power for the long-term protection and healing of communities. We center the rights of Indigenous peoples and the rights of Mother Earth.

What we’re working on -- Communities we are in partnership with:

Protect the arctic refuge

No Drilling on the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - Protect Indigenous Rights & Food Sovereignty

NO DONLin gold

Protect the Mother Kuskokwim river and communities

Stop Ambler Road

No more roads to resources

NENANA Land back

No consent - No Road & Indigenous Food Sovereignty

Defend yakutat

Stop Logging Sacred Lands

Stand with Nuiqsut


Protect Chilkat Valley

End the life-cycle of hard rock mining

Defend The sacred alaska

A network of Indigenous-led and grassroots-led protectors

Healing Justice is Environmental Justice

What we’ve been up to:

2022 Hide Tanning Camp

In September 2022 we held our first training for trainers Hide Tanning Camp. This was a two-week intensive that not only worked the muscles, it shaped healing pathways and community connections.

Community Strategy Sessions

We did a lot of team huddles across the state to build skills, share strategies, and launch campaigns!

articles and blogs
