We are excited to launch the second part of our Fairbanks Mural project! As a part of our community, we have one big question:

What do you want to see on the wall this year? We are looking for any and all types of input. Some prompts to spark inspiration:

  • How can we transform our building to be beautiful and hopeful?

  • Are there inspirational words or phrases that you would like to see? 

  • What does centering joy and healing in decolonization work look like to you?

  • When you think of a vibrant future for our local community, what images come to mind?

  • Are there any images or symbols that you think would be important to incorporate into the mural?

Are you an artist? Do you know an artist who might be interested? One of the most exciting parts of this next phase is that we will be partnering with a local artist to design the mural. You do not need to be a muralist - we are open to all visual mediums and craft disciplines. The biggest requirement is that you are open to a participatory process that incorporates feedback for what the mural design includes. 

Nominate an artist (or yourself) and share you feedback here:

In September 2022 we celebrated the creation of our first community mural featuring photographs taken by Native Movement staff photographer Jeff Chen and words by Movement Generation. The mural installation was a collaboration between Native Movement, Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition, and NDN Collective and was carried out during a four-day training. (Drumming by Dene’ Eslaanh (We the People))