International Women's Day 2019

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March 8 is International Women’s Day. This day celebrates the cultural, social, economic, and political achievements of women around the world. According to the United Nations, the first International Women’s Day was observed in the United States on February 28, 1909. 

International Women’s Day is about coming together, celebrating the women in our lives—past and present, reflection, advocacy and action—globally and locally. 

Native Movement celebrates the women who have helped make this world a better place for everyone. We also recognize the missing and murdered Indigenous women and the missing and murdered transgender women of color and gender nonconforming sisters who have gone too soon. There is a common thread between the two communities and a need to advocate for the safety, strength, and wellness of women, especially the most vulnerable—Indigenous women, transgender women of color and gender nonconforming femmes

We hope today inspires you to take action to make your community a safer and more welcoming space for Indigenous and transgender women and gender nonconforming femmes every day. We ask that you honor and recognize the missing and murdered Indigenous and transgender women of color and gender nonconforming femmes.

Not sure what you can do? Volunteer or donate to a local nonprofit that supports the women in our lives, speak up against hate and discrimination, vote for local leaders from underrepresented communities, and teach your family to uplift the women around you. 

We compiled a short list of Alaska organizations and a few national organizations to consider supporting and connecting with. 

 ·    AWARE,

 ·    Alaska Native Women’s Resource Center,

 ·    Gender Pioneers,

 ·    Identity,

·     Transgender Leadership Alaska,

·     Native Peoples Action,

·     Trans Lifeline,

·     Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest & Hawai’I,

#indigenouswomenrise #transisbeautiful #mmiw #stoptransmurders #stoptransphobia